الأربعاء، 19 أغسطس 2020

مُدَوَّنَةُ نَوفـــــــــــــnovaــــــــــــــــــــا


مَآ خَآبتْ قُلوْبٌ أودَعتْ البَآرٍي أَمَآنِيهـَآ 
 هُنا حيثُ أُطلِقُ عِنانَ فِكري سَاعةً وأربّتُ على قَلبِي أُخرَى ..

رُكْـــــنُ المُــذَاكَــرَة❤️👩🏻‍🏫


appropriate medication for the treatment of HTN  in a diabetic = ACE inhibitor*

recurrent oral , genital ulcers+ arthralgia diagnosis is : BehÇet's disease *

wrist pain , grip weaknes, aggravated by flexing = De Quervain's tenosynovitis.*

 *abdominal pain, pulsatile mass in the mid-abdomen, appropriate test is : US of the abdomen. 

*isolated calf DVT be treated with anticoagulation= 3 months

*developing sudden SOB, chest radiograph shows a 10% pneumothorax,stable. Appropriate management= Observation

*anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, elevated Ca  level diagnosis: Hyperparathyroidism

*back pain , generalized fatigue, anemia with Rouleau formation, a monoclonal spike with serum protein electrophoresis, hypercalcemia= multiple myeloma

   *palpate a 2-cm firm, nontender mass in upper inner quadrant left breast smooth, well-circumscribed, mobile. not detect any skin changes, nipple discharge, axillary lymphadenopathy, diagnosis= Fibroadenoma

bacterial vaginosis. best treatment = Metronidazole 500 mg PO twice daily for 1 week*

*diagnose a bicornuate uterus, risk of congenital anomalies which organ system= Urinary

24y , hyperprolactinemia. Which conditions could cause increased prolactin concentration = Stress*

* HRT (estrogen and progesterone associated with = increased risk of thromboembolic events.

second-degree prolapse of the uterus,next step in the management = Reassurance*

*covered with thick mecunium , apneic, and pale, best first step in the resuscitation = Suction of the trachea under direct visualization

*70y , lesion on left cheek, slowly enlarging , bleeds if scratches , 7 mm diameter pearly appearing papule with visible telangiectasias on the surface. appropriate management = Excision.

*multiple medical problems with dysuria ,hematuria, tender and boggy prostate= Treat with 1 month of AB , reevaluate the patient with a follow-up urinalysis and culture posttreatment

not changes appetite, weight, left lobe of his thyroid, 1.3 cm. next = Fine needle aspiration*

*abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea, blood in the stool. The colonoscopy shows diffuse mucosal inflammation from the anus to the terminal ileum= Ulcerative colitis.

*CHF, dyspnea , orthopnea, moderate RD, JVD, rales, diagnosed with PE =Furosemide

*SOB, awakened by cough at least 3 nights per week,treatment = Inhaled corticosteroids daily.

Major diagnostic criteria polycythemia increased red cell mass, normal oxygen , and : Splenomegaly*

white coating of tongue  associated erythema ,bleeds when you try to remove =Oral nystatin*

small for GA infant who weighs less than the :  10th % for GA*

*child problems in school , lack of concentration and excessive fidgeting. treatment is :  Methylphenidate

* testicular torsion= Elevation of testes may aggravate pain

Best investigation for detecting H. pylori= Urea breath test *

*left adnexial tenderness., βHCG is 6000. US no intrauterine gestational sac= Laparascopy

*laceration on his left elbow, closed nonabsorbable how many days suture removal= Seven

nonsurgical treatments for osteoarthritis of the knee =Exercise and physical therapy*

*delivered her baby before 6 weeks ,feel ridicules towered her self not baby.= Post partum depression 

*irregular beat ,sweating, diaphorisis, palpitation , dizziness, BP 190/140 = Vanillyl mandelic acid (VMA)

greasy, pale, erythematous lesion with scalp scale inflammation on his head=Sebohoric keratitis*

20 Y low back pain , limitation in flexion movement , tenderness on left achilis tendon=Ankylosing spondiolitis * 

* dyspnea ,SOB after took phenothiazine, I and E  stridor, swelling in posterior pharynex. = Endotracheal intubation

loss of taste sensation of anterior two third with mouth deviation= Seventh (facial nerve). *

contact of TB , positive PPD test. treatment : INH , rifampin , pyrazinamide* 

3m , projectile vomiting , hungry after vomiting with strong sucking =Pyloric stenosis* 

Baby talking 2 ward and he can recognize few wards= 12 m

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